Pumpkin Our Woozworld Story (changes being made): September 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

New Fashions?

Hey Guys! Adeze here.
 So i know that technically this would fall into the fashion and gossip category.. but I'm doing it anways. THAT'S RIGHT WE'RE REBELS HER ON WOOZWORLD STORY!!!

Ok, that was really weird

So anyways I'm going to be talking about the next latest fashions on Woozworld. It has been leaked to me by a certain woozen that the next fashions are going to be halloween themed! This is going to be soo exciting. So guys save up your money, because there is going to be new fashion coming soon. Don't take it from me though!! Do not go buy wooz for the Woozworld Store and then start a riot if it doesn't happen. But.. if you want to believe me, I'm totally down for that. So sorry for the short post, but this is Adeze, signing out. Love ya!


Fashion Tips with... Ally?

           Hey guys! Alix446 here. I know this isn't gonna be Gossip, but I got some new fashion trendz! :D
  So I know that one of the other bloggers have this topic, but i've been dying to talk about it! C:

Anyways! We're gonna start with Girl trendz!

                                                                                           GIRLZ TRENDZ
             Woozmas Boots, Z-Princess Hair, Rolled Up Semi- Formal, and Classical Mini shorts. You might be thinking, "Well. Why would anybody wanna wear things BOYS would wear?" Well, I made this outfit for boys AND girls! Anybody could wear this! Sadly, this is the only outfit I could think of. I only do outfits that both genders can wear. I hope you enjoyed my fashion tipz! Alix446, signing out! Baii!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Pretty Little... Jenny?

Hey Guys!!! Chebem here.

Okay, so im sorry about how bad the blog looks as of now... I'm making some changes and it's better to have it black then to have it so complex and have to be changing it all the time. So yeah. I'm making a new theme!!! :D So you guys are just going to have to wait for it to know who it's gonna looks. I'm not telling! ..... .... ... .. . Ok ok! I'll tell you! I'll give you a hint: it's gonna be fall themed!!! You're never gonna guess it!! Haha! Ok now for my actual post.

So! As we all know, its Friday! And again, by blog law... I MUST post :P And i'm bored... So today I'm gonna let you in on a secret....

So as we all know, There has been a mystery going on in Woozworld. It's called the Pretty Little Mystery. It's focused on woozworld high. GoodOldWooz, the science teacher has been kidnapped!!! I bet NonaWooz is very worried.....

So the secret unravels...

JENNYWOOZ KIDNAPPED GOODOLD!!!! If you look at her status it seems very suspicious....
And she was also the one who announced that GoodOld was gone... What better coverup?? No offense to Jenny, she's my fav Woozband, but, Jenny you've got some explaining to do!

That's it for today guys, Peace!!
-Chebem <3


Thursday, September 25, 2014

New Quotester

Hi my name is Amanda and I'm new to this blogging stuff..So I'm going to post my first quote about life . I will be quoting about other stuff.

"Life is a gift.
Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in."


Bye Guys!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fashion Friday... Every Friday?

Hey guys, Chebem here! Guess what day it is... Wednesday! That means, by blog law I gotta post. So I'm going to post about some gossip/drama happening on woozworld. So recently Fashion Friday took place. It was a weekend where they freely sold rare items in the shopz. People went CRAZY!!! Thing were even going out of stock! :O It seems like they had enough, but do they still want more?

I interviewed the owner of a rally that wanted fashion Friday back: ME: So why do you want Fashion Friday back?
WOOZEN: Because i think that it is only fair.... we need more time with things like this to save money and stuff.

 ME: I get what your saying. So why do you think that you need to rally up?

 WOOZEN: Well, it's been heard that if you have too many people in a unitz, a mod will come and ask what's up. When that mod comes, we'll them what we want, and when we want it.

 ME: OK, So how many people did you manage to rally?

WOOZEN: You would be surprised about how many people want it back. I got over 200 people in my unitz! :)

ME: Wow, big number, bigger than I've seen. So did a mod come?


ME: ok, enough with the adds. So what do you think is going to happen next in Woozworld in the fashion industry.

WOOZEN: I don't know, but Halloween seems to be coming up so maybe rare halloween costumes?

ME: oohh exciting! Well thank you for your time. WOOZEN: NP :P

Well, thats all for today! This is Chebem, signing out. Peace!

Penguin older then she says she IS?!?!

          Hey guys! Alix446 here bringing you some JUICY gossip! Today's discovery; Penguin not being the age she SAYS she truly is?

             Penguin, (iLuvPenguins) has been seen on Tinychat before. Yes, I believed that she was who she really was. But then I thought for a minute. How do we know THAT is truly Penguin? What if she is an older lady? Is it just a video broadcast? You never know. I interviewed a Woozen named Sammy, (unknown username) and she told me this;

             "Yeah. Penguin thinks she's all that because she's on some stupid blog. She only got famous because of  Latin, Glitz, Holly, and Nay-nay. Like seriously. I mean, I understand that she is on a successful blog, and she's known for that... but SERIOUSLY?!?! She runs for Woozguide and she starts all this random drama. DO WE WANT THIS TYPE OF WOOZGUIDE?!!? Starting drama here and there?!? I love how she is so nice to people but... COME ON! You aren't perfect Penguin. The world doesn't revolve around you.."

      Thank you Sammy for such JUICY info! Anyways, since you read that whole paragraph, I think today we learned something very important. Do NOT give personal info to people on games! You never know who's behind that screen. Well.. That's all I have for you today! Alix446 signing out! Peace!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Outfit of the Day

 Hey guys, Adeze here comin at you with an outfit of the day.

So 2 of the items were from Fashion Friday (dress and hair) so unfortunately you can no longer buy it from the Woozworld shop BUT rumor has it Woozband are thinking about bringing back fashion Friday. However the rest of the of the outfit is still very much for sale so lets get into it. xD

Hair: Bow by Aeropostale

Dress: Heartva Dress

Pants: WNS Pop Shorts

Shoes: Ribbon Party Heels

Tattoo: Spikes of Madness

Face: Cutie and Makeup


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Woozworld Grammy Awards Event

                                      Woozworld Music Awards Event

      Hey guys,  Alix446 here. I'm at the Woozworld Music Awards Event hosted by ItsMacklemore. I know this seems like an event category, but I got some juicy info!! (: 

        ItsMacklemore has hosted many events, but do we know about ALL of the events he hosted? Rumor has it that he hosted an inappropriate unit to tick off the Woozguides. You know  the tiles that are used to cover up the unit floors? He spelt a profanity word (A cuss word) and woozens started crowding around it, laughing their butts off. Well... He was lucky Woozguides didn't come, but thats what I heard. If it's not true, that don't blame me. Blame Woozens. I interviewed some woozens, (unidentified) and one of them told me this;

            "Yeah, Macklemore made an inappropriate unit to tick off mods/woozguides/woozens. He was ranting about how Woozworld changed and how he hated Woozworld. He also said that he made many different accounts and got them banned for doing inappropriate things, like putting profanity/hacking. He had like, twenty or whatever." 

             I'm sorry that we don't know the woozen's name. But I thanked her for such JUICY GOSSIP!!! 

  Anyways, that's all I have for now woozens. Until next time! -Alix446

Welcome to our blog!


Welcome to Woozworld Story!

 Hey guys! Chebem here! Welcome to Our Woozworld Story! We'll be talking about;




~Cheats and Codes


~And much more, interesting things!! :D

               We hope you enjoy our posts about things around Woozworld! Don't worry guys, every  blogger post two posts per week. Everybody in this blog has a certain schedule to posts about whatever they want. If you want to know about the topics we'll be posting about, Check out the "About the Bloggers" section! Well, this is all I'm gonna post about. We hope you enjoy this blog, and make sure to tell all your friends that Woozworld Story is here! This is Chebem, signing out. Peace!