Pumpkin Our Woozworld Story (changes being made): More Information on the Cure

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

More Information on the Cure

            Hey guys! Alix446 here, coming at you with some more information on the Zombeardiousous disease or how ever you spell it. Lol! Anyways, Woozens, be careful which Jellys you eat! Some are hacked, and can permanently ban your Woozen. So be careful!

             A Woozen (unknown) had been banned for making fake Jellys and making poor Woozens (especially newbies) get banned! ALSO! Some Jellys can NOT be traded! You can easily be scammed for someone who is giving out Jelly for free or for something else. DON'T LET YOUR DESIRES GET TO YOU! Make some Jelly or find another Woozen to get the Jelly from.

       Anyways, there is a rumor that the Woozband/Woozworld Professor Preztige is making another cure and hogging it? They aren't releasing it/eating it because Woozens will become suspicious, since they've been a zombie for a long time. So have hope Woozens!

         ALSO! Is this zombie thing.... BULLYING? Woozens that turned into Zombies are trapped in a little area where they can't get out. Only normal Woozens can get in. COME ON GUYS! THEY ARE JUST ZOMBIES! ONLY IF YOU CHANGE CLOTHES OR LOG OFF, YOU CAN CHANGE INTO A ZOMBIE! IF YOU STAND NEXT TO A ZOMBIE, YOU ARE PERFECTLY FINE! This is what is causing bullies to bully. Bullies have a perfect excuse to bully newbies! Is that what the Woozworld Community about? Isn't the Woozband suppose to STOP bullying?

   ONE MORE THING! The Zombie disease is basically representing the new season of The Walking Dead! Oh my Zeus. I'm fan girling hella hard right now. Andrew Lincoln is the bae. OH MINE GOT!!! :D I hope you guys are as excited as I am right now!

    Well, that's all I have for you today! I love you guys, and stay awesome!! Alix446, signing out. Bye!!

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